Customer Decision Journey

Customer Decision Journey is a marketing model whereby a consumer recognize he or she need a new product or service
- How has the customer journey changed, why?
People are changing the way in which they buy or research a product. The customer journey changed because they were used to act as in a marketing funnel when deciding to buy a product. Nowadays, it is quite different thanks to new digitals devices so people can compare brands at any time and may be reached everywhere they are. Clients establish loyalty after having experienced the product or service. When the purchasing moment is complete it not only continues but it restarts
- What is the impact for hoteliers?
In this case the impact on hotelier is that they need to improve their strategies for reaching customers. The goal is to establish digital programs for trying to convince clients. The process of purchasing a room night in a hotel start from the moment when they think about what could be ideal for them so hoteliers need to create this ideal place for their clients. Social medias are playing an really important role so hoteliers need to adapt themselves and try to reach clients through it. It influences how people decide, book and seach for the perfect product or service according to them.
- What is the impact on marketing?
Marketing has also changed depending on Customer decision journey, so marketers should change their programs for improving their performances and then they can adapt to the recent needs and want of customers. It can maximizes the impact on marketing for all the clients of a hotel. Everything needs to be personalized for each clients so nowadays marketer need to integrate digital services for example and being connected.
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